Corbina Fishing in California

California Corbina-

Arguably the strongest pound for pound pulling fish in the surf and one of the most frustrating. The best waters for corbina fishing is from Point Conception in California and as far south as Baja Mexico. The Corbina aka Bean’, are very difficult to hook but with patience and the right technique you might just get lucky. Found in the same “zones” as the Barred Surf perch, close to shore and in very shallow water. These fish are usually cruising the shoreline in schools digging threw the sand feeding on sand crabs and small crustaceans.

Recommended line for Corbina-

Fluorocarbon line in the 5lb-10lb range. is our go to. These fish are a lot more line shy then perch and can be a real challenge to hook, everything has to be just right to successfully fish the Corbina.

Rigs For Corbina-

We strictly use the Carolina Rig when fishing for the Corbina. In some very rare cases lures and artificial baits have caught these fish but the odds are definitely against you. Click here to learn how to tie the Carolina Rig-

Recommended bait and how to fish for Corbina-

Countless times we’ve set out just targeting Corbina and countless times we’ve struck out. These dam fish are so finicky it can be so frustrating. After years of fishing for the Corbina we have a method that has been providing us success. We stick 100% with soft-shelled sand crabs and we take the time to look for them. I’m not saying a normal sand crab wont work but we have noticed that a freshly molted sand crab (aka soft shell sand crab) is a Corbin’s absolute favorite. We do know of anglers who use bloodworms or pileworms with success but our go to is the soft-shell sand crab. Try out one of these baits and see what works best for you, persistence and confidence will make a world of difference. Corbina fishing is all about presentation, we use a Carolina Rig with light line and a small hook. Finesse fishing is a must, Pin on your bait and cast out to structure or a zone you believe is holding fish. Walk up and down the beach trying different spots, once you find a producing area be patient. When you find one more should be around. We like to cast out and retrieve slowly; keeping constant tension on the line so you can always feel your bait. If the conditions allow it sight cast your sand crab in front of their path and slightly jerk the bait up to entice the fish. Remember persistence is key, best of luck!

Recommended Rod & Reel for Corbina-

Your Surfperch rig will work great when corbina fishing. Here are some of our rods we use to target Corbina. Paired with any of these reels and you should be good to go!